Abbott Architect i1000sr


Now we have added a new machine Abbott Architect i1000sr, which works in Blood Bank as well as in Laboratory. This machine is of international standard and is being used in the best Blood Banks of India and is first of its kind in Punjab. This machine is empowered with unique technique which detects HIV, HCV, HbsAg at early stage (with 100% sensitivity & specificity) as early as 7 days as compared to other conventional methods (Rapid & Elisa) which detects the Antigen after 3 months.

Abbott Architect i1000 SR is Chemiluminescence based machine is used in our Lab. for doing various Hormonal Assay, Cancer Markers, Viral Markers, Vit D, B12 and many more specialized tests various drug assays with very precise results with the help of this machine, now we can give reports of all specialised tests on same day at a reasonable cost.

dry chemistry

Dry Chemistry Vitros 250

We have recently introduced first time in the region fully automatic dry chemistry analyzer. This machine can perform all biochemical tests, the method of tests are highly advanced in which every test is being calibrated and standardized before giving results, so chances of error are nil.


Microbiology Fully Automated Bectac-9050 B.D.

Blood culture testing is one of the most important functions of the microbiology laboratory as clinicians rely on this information to aid in the diagnosis of bacteraemia. The BACTEC FX System. It give fast and accurate result of bacterial growth .


Fully Auto Hematology Analyzer 5 Part

Complete heamogram is being done in our centre on latest highly accurate 5 part hematology analyzer, which give 26 parameters of complete blood counts with histogram.